Welcome to the Finnish school in Bristol

Our aim is to provide events and activities for all members of our community as well as Finnish lessons for children aged 0-11.

We also advertise other Finland related events in the area, whether or not they are organised by us. 

You are most welcome to everything we organise, from picnics in the park (including a game of pesäpallo) to pub nights (for over 18s). 

If you would like to have a point of contact to feel more comfortable coming for the first time, give our social secretary a shout and they will make sure there is someone to take you under their wing. But we are all very welcoming and friendly, so just say " Finns are such great people" and you are sure to find friends. 

Please, contact info@finlandinbristol.co.uk if you want to know more or have any questions.

Look us up on Facebook for our social events. 
